Monday, June 11, 2007

Las Carretas @ Damansara Heights

I have been eyeing on Las Carretas for quite some time. Luv its cute signage with a big fat red chili on it. Char siew bao been there for lunch before and kept coaxing me to try its great mexican food.

We went to the new branch @ Semantan Avenue, abit depressing cus only two tables were occupied but we did enjoy the cosy ambiance...

aiya...abit dark here tropical

beer bottles piling up against the wall...

huh? scary mexican ghost...

We were given a complimentary basket of nachos with 2 spicy dippings. Feel free to order more at your own cost cus you will definitely ask for more the moment you crunch on the crispy nachos...yum yum!
Char siew bao went for one big Tostadas Supremos (RM28.90), i.e. mexican pizza topped with chicken and veges. Warning: Do not attempt to order this as your own mains cus you will be stuffed to max and feel jelak for the next 10 hours. The pizza was loaded with lotsa cheese, cheese and cheese. A must-have for cheese lover but try to get someone to share it.
I was on vege diet for the past 7 days so I had the vegetarian Quesadillas (RM24.90) which came with one big tortilla stuffed with melted cheese and vege. You can opt to add chicken or mushroom too but the 'plain' version was again more than enough to stuff one glutton. Am not a cheese person so I feel abit mual with the creamy fillings. Other than that the tortilla was superb.

Haiz...shouldn't order another serving of Mexican Rice (RM2.50) but we were not aware of the huge servings initially.

Omg...I ordered dessert too! This Boca Chica (RM11.50) came with a scope of vanilla ice cream and a slice of coffee sponge cake. Tasted not bad but not worth the price. How could they serve us cheapo sponge cake???

Overall, the ambiance is great with lots of funny decorations around, the service was over-attentive, the food was okay though overpriced. Will definitely come back for their nachos and spicy dippings!

LOCATION: B-07, Semantan Avenue, 10, Jalan Semantan, Damansara Heights.
Phone: 03-20930380


MeiyeN said...

been to da one @ usj and we love da food at this place! simply delicious, nice cocktails, yummy food and yes... like you, i heart this dessert soooo much! :D

Anonymous said...

fuyoh...and both of u makan all those ar =__="....

huge servings...maybe next time can visit if i am in KL again..hohoho

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

eh i see your pics i also jelak liao hahaha...i dunno if i want to try this..cheese here and there ler..

Xiu Long Bao said...

yar, was tempted to try this rest after reading ur review but USJ is too far for us...then...eee?They opened up a new branch just in front of our office! Agree that the food tasted good minus the generous serving of melted cheese @_@

jian: malu leh ate too much. 2 mains should be more than enough for 3 persons. Somemore got free nachos. Come to KL we go makan makan...jason is oledi here!

yalor, very cheesy.Maybe u can try their fajitas where u can roll up the tortillas n add the fillings according to ur liking :)

boo_licious said...

I always pass by this plus that corny huge poster of Anita Sarawak next to it. Was thinking of trying it one time but had no idea how to get in there! Any directions on how as that place looks confusing to enter.

Xiu Long Bao said...

boo_licious: no prob, but i need to ask csb first cus he was the one driving haha...Will send u the direction thru email :)

Anonymous said...

ehh.. maybe we can go for 2nd round here after Nigel's party on 23th

Anonymous said...

u tried the lamb stew? its to die for..hehehehe

Anonymous said...

hahaha ady went to KL wat...when u guys had floggers gathering...lolz...wah the portions is similar to Italianies loh? haha "dai kin kim hou sek" (besar lagi sedap in canto)

sc said...

never tried the new branch yet, it's always USJ for me. you should try the beef ribs (after you're veg diet days la) and ask for sauce on the side. absolutely delicious!! love the nachos with toppings, enchiladas and fajitas..ooohhh..hungry now :(

Xiu Long Bao said... nearby oni! But i will be stuffing myself with Nigel's cakes ;p

citygal:Really? The lamb stew is that geng chow? Must try since u rekomen...haha

anon/jian:huh? u were @ Sandias meh?

Xiu Long Bao said...

sc: cannot la...pantang beef leh.Luv their nachos! Wana try their fajitas on my nxt visit.

Big Boys Oven said...

the food looks locvely and yet simple.

Precious Pea said...

Wahh...did you both finished all those??? Why are you on veggie diet? BTW, there is a mistake on the phone number, got 9 digits.

Xiu Long Bao said...

big boys kitchen: And huge servings! A good try actually.

precious pea:
Didnt know the servings are dat huge initially so we ordered so much food @_@ But we were stuffed to the max...haha
Vege diet arr? For religious reason, i go on vege diet for 7 days occassionally.
aiks, error rectified, thx!

Anonymous said...

XLB: LOL, let's have a cake massacre!

Anonymous said...

I think the food was good and services equally good, too! Too bad the new branch ain't in a strategic location....

Anonymous said...

No lar when you guys were at Sandias, I think me and durianberry was at Bangsar or sumthing...din know also : P ... but if noe also kenot squeeze into plan ...too pack liao...

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

hey..i might b on a job either dis wk or nxt wk near the kpmg office..can i get ur contact details ar?..i also want to have lunch with the baos! hahaha..

Xiu Long Bao said...

jason: terror!

csb: Strategic to u mar. So nearby only.

jian: Ooo...i see. Yalor, that nite the place was soooo packed! Cannot even move.

joe: Sent our hp numbers to ur email oledi. U figure out wat to eat ah cus the eateries are sad in this area...haha...unless u can drive us to other places :p

teckiee said...

ohhhhh hmm i still have yet to go back to Sandias. I think will check this place out after Sandias

Xiu Long Bao said...

teckiee: somehow the food during our gathering makes me feel reluctant to revisit Sandias. Yeah, do check this place out, luv their decorations.

Anonymous said...

hahaha next time gather at places like Italiannies or Las Cerretas loh since food so big portion...more people = more variety of food = 1 visit try all in menu (hahah kidding)

So many ppl in Sandias 1 tapas set enuf meh?

Xiu Long Bao said...

jian:Good idea since i have yet to revisit italianies.Each of us had a plate of tapas ar. Portion ok but not nice one. Due to mass production gua.

jackson:Food so tasty of cus u need to go back la! Great service and nice ambiance, wat more can u ask for?

Unknown said...

This place has gone down hill fast. Un focused service (pushing for order then very little follow-up - we had to ask for more tortillas 3 times!), average food and poor ambiance gave a very memorable evening for the wrong reasons. They even served me beef instead of lamb and insisted it was lamb. Over priced and substandard from all angles!