Looking at my kitchen, I have not been utilizing it for a while (except cooking Maggie mee ).
So last Sunday nite, I (finally) cooked up some nice hot food for dinner.
A big bowl of curry seafood + potatoes. I added low fat milk instead of santan. Obviously, the taste is not that good lor but a healthier choice for me ^_^
I marinated some fish fillets and chicken cutlets with tandoori spices and pan fried till brownish.
Wow. If home cooked dinner is as yummy as yours, I'll go home and eat willingly every single night! ;-)
xiu long bao,
HOME COOKED MEAL! haha! The curry would look better with some lady's fingers. :)
I think you also know how to cook well leh. At least, you know how to cook crabs which I don't think not many people will know how to.
Well done on the cooking! ;)
I so miss crabs but got to wait till Hubby recovered from his overdosed of crabs. Home-cooked meal for a change is so good isn't it?
tankiasu: Home cooked meal gives me a comfy feeling dat one can't get when dining out. U should eat at home more often :)
kok: yeah...i luv to add lady fingers to assam fish head curry! The crabs were contributed by my aunt. I only noe how to cook flower crabs, but alot of preparation n washing works. Mafan.
precious pea: overdosed of crabs??? Should be fine if your husband avoid the crab roe. I luv home-cooked meals. But hate the washing part.
So cham! Home cooked meals also good stuff leh...
wmw: hehe...oklar.Still cheaper than eating out.
Another chef on the roll! :P I like to cook last time but that's long time ago. Guess my skills rusty liao
haha..home cook food also use seafood..and i thought u were suppose to be PK liao..cant imagine what you guys will cook if its just after the 28th hehe
wah, that's quite a lot of food hor? you ate all that by yourself? ;p
jason: Interesting... not many guys noe how to cook :) Of cus ur skills wont go rusty if u hav the passion in cooking!
S.W.I.C.C: haha...paiseh, I bought the seafood weeks ago, but still they r cheaper than eating out.
sc: hehe...dinner for two. We were soooo stuffed. I'm too greedy and I always tend to overcook.
xiu long bao,
You are a good chef too. I know cooking crab is quite ma fan. That's why I said not many people know how to cook it. And definitely you're good in it!:)
xiu long bao: Em.. I think Jackson can cook too. Really rusty la since long time never touch the wok
kok: haha...thx! *paiseh*
jason: hoh? jackson oso can cook? then faster touch the wok 2nite la! Btw, see u 2molo...gud to noe dat u r coming all the way from ipoh :)
Yeap, see you too tomorrow :)
Nervous laaarrr
The Best Meal in The Whole Wide World
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